The Facts of Oral Hygiene: Oral Cancer Screenings

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Given the significance of oral cancer and the importance of spotting the disease quickly, schedule oral cancer screenings frequently. Each year in America, tens of thousands of individuals are detected with the disease, and as with other cancers, an early discovery is often crucial to ensure a chance at a healthy recovery.

Common signs and symptoms of oral cancer include difficulty with normal oral skills such as eating and speaking. Even swallowing can become painful or problematic. Often times, ear pain may be experienced, as well as a sensation of numbness in your mouth, ears, face, and neck. If you have a sore throat that does not go away, you may need an oral cancer screening.

Oral cancer can often be discovered at any age at any time. There are a few signs and symptoms to detect if you may have oral cancer. This includes visual oral anomalies in your face, mouth, neck, and cranial areas. Within your mouth, check for any signs of lumps, bumps, or wounds that fail to heal properly after long periods of time.

If you suffer from symptoms of oral cancer, contact Gentle Family Dentistry & Orthodontics at 435-586-9991 to even though up an oral cancer screening. To schedule an oral examination with Dr. Sage White and our team at our dentist office in Cedar City, Utah, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We would be glad to take care of any oral health care needs you may have.